Aw Yeah! It’s Franco from Aw Yeah Comics!

June 11, 2016 2 mins to read

Recently, I met Franco, the creator of Aw Yeah Comics and Patrick the Wolf Boy. My favorite thing I’ve read by him is Superman Family Adventures. It’s fun that they go on funny adventures and I like his comics a lot. I interviewed him at East Coast Comic Con and we talked about his comics and how he got his start.

Carl:  Did you want to work in comic books when you were a kid?

Franco:  Yes! I’ve always wanted to work in comic books. I would read them from – even when I was younger than you. So I always thought it would be cool to work in comic books.

Carl:  What comic books did you read when you were a kid?

Franco:  Ooh, any ones I could find. I liked Spider-Man, I liked Teen Titans. Superman, Batman – all of those.

Carl:  What comic was your most fun to draw?

Franco:  To draw? They’re all fun to draw, but I like drawing my own characters, so I’d had to say Aw Yeah Comics, Action Cat and Patrick the Wolf Boy.

Carl:  What comics do you read now?

Franco:  Remember all those I mentioned before? Batman, Superman – yeah, all those.

Carl:  Who is your favorite comic book creator?

Franco:  You know, being in the industry, getting to meet a whole bunch of comic book creators, George Perez is one of my heroes. José Luis García-López – he’s actually here at this show! He was one of my favorite artists when I was a kid. Many, many, many others that I’m not mentioning.

Carl: What advice do you have for someone who wants to work on comic books as a job?

Franco:  If you want to work on comic books as a job, you have to work on them all the time. You have to write and draw as much as you can.

Carl: I made a comic book hero named Hammer Head. He has a head shaped like a hammer. How can I make him better?

Franco:  You could give him a super-villain that’s shaped like a nail?

Carl: Thank you for answering my questions.

Franco:  Thank you for asking me questions!

If you don’t know Franco’s comic books, you should check out what he’s done on his website or at your local comic book store!

1 Comment on “Aw Yeah! It’s Franco from Aw Yeah Comics!”

  1. Dan M
    June 12, 2016

    Very well done interview , Carl!

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