Blu-Ray Giveaway with a 3D Comic Bonus!

July 23, 2020 2 mins to read

I am excited to announce that I will be giving away a free copy of the recently restored Abbot and Costello Africa Screams movie! It’s a special treat to kick off my big summer online comic con from home – I’ll be releasing interviews I did back when you could still safely go out to a comic book show!

So let’s start it off by giving away something for free!

About the movie

My friend, film historian Bob Furmanek, just released a fully restored Blu-ray of this 1949 comedy. It is extremely funny and cool. This restoration is bathed in tons of 5-star reviews – Bob and his team basically made this look good as new. People are writing things like it’s “simply breathtaking piece of film that should hang somewhere to illustrate how to effectively restore a movie.”

It includes A LOT of extras, including a digital restoration of the one and only Abbot and Costello 3D comic from 1950! You don’t need anything besides a Blu-ray player to watch the movie and to read the comic, you get a free pair of Carl’s Comix 3D glasses! They make the comic look like it’s coming right out of the screen.

How to Enter

All you need to do to enter this giveaway is to send me an email saying that would like to enter! Use the contact form or write me at carl (at)

We only have 1 of the 2500 copies of the Blu-ray that were made and one lucky winner will win this amazing Blu-ray and the 3D glasses. Send in your entry by July 30 to be included!
Hope to see a whole bunch of entries!

Dad’s note:

We’ll add your email to our subscription list, but you are not required to be a subscriber to enter or win.

One winner will be chosen at random using an online randomized name picker.

If the winner doesn’t respond within 5 days of the drawing, a new winner will be chosen.

4 Comments on “Blu-Ray Giveaway with a 3D Comic Bonus!”

  1. Bill
    July 23, 2020

    Bob is a great guy and the restoration is awesome! I was proud to be a supporter of this project.

    Also, I love your site, Carl, keep the faith!


  2. Bill Shaffer
    July 23, 2020

    I would like enter this contest.

  3. Christopher Smith
    July 23, 2020

    I would like to enter the contest

  4. Bill Rinehart
    July 24, 2020

    I would like to add this to my collection!

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