Hi everyone! Happy Memorial Day! I just want to take a minute to thank all the servicemen and women who have kept us safe. I’m glad I was able to donate more comics right before this pandemic started. I hope to be able to donate a lot more comics soon! I already have a lot more to give!
I would also like to thank all the essential workers who have been working on the front lines during this crisis. Doctors, nurses, and even people who work in grocery stores are our new defense for keeping our country safe. As we live through this pandemic, we must understand that we’re in this together. To all the essential workers, servicemen and women, and others: Thank you. I’m pretty sure everyone (besides the crazy) would be saying the same. Thank you for making sure that the virus didn’t wipe us all out. Thank you for making sure that we can live in a better, healthier tomorrow.
Keep staying safe and have a good Memorial Day!