Carl: I’m here at Garden State Comic Fest with Ashley Witter and Ash Maczko, or Team Ash, co-creators of the exciting new comic Squarriors. I’d like to ask you a few questions for my readers.
Did you want to become comic book creators when you were kids?
Ashley: Yes! Absolutely!
Ash: Actually, I totally did. I was making comics in grade school – probably younger than you were.
Carl: What comic books did you read when you were kids?
Ash: My favorite comic growing up was probably The Crow series, but I also read some Punisher and some Spider-Man. Yeah things like that. What did you read, Ashley?
Ashley: I read Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, because I had an older brother and he was into comics.
Carl: What comics do you read now?
Ash: I like Sabrina The Teenage Witch, I like the Afterlife with Archie, I like Scarlet Witch, I like the Mortal Kombat series I like the He-Man series. I read a lot of newer stuff, actually. What did you like, Ashley?
Ashley: I can’t remember off the top of my head right now. I was really into Harvey Pekar’s American Splendor.
Ash: You read Low…
Ashley: Low is really good! Rocket Girl – I’m super into Rocket Girl right now.
Carl: Dave O’Hare, the founder of Garden State Comic Fest, told me Squarriors is his favorite comic. Why do you think so many people love it?
Ash: I don’t know! The artwork’s amazing! Ashley’s a great artist.
Ashley: It’s a really good story, it’s got a lot of heart.
Ash: It’s got cute animals – everybody likes cute animals. It’s got squirrels! There’s not a whole lot of squirrel books out right now. We’re probably in the top 10 squirrel books that are out right now.
Carl: How did you get the idea for Squarriors?
Ashley: That was his idea.
Ash: I wanted to do something with animals. I liked a lot of animal cartoons and things as a kid growing up. That’s what I wanted to do – I wanted to do foxes and dogs and squirrels and mice – cute little animals and make some fun stories with them.
Carl: When will see the next issue come out?
Ash: The next issue is Summer #2 and that should be out next month, at the end of August.
(Carl’s Note: You can pre-order it at their website! It looks like it will be out soon. AND Check out the preview of it here)
Carl: Thank you for answering my questions. It was nice to meet you.
Ash: For sure!
Ashley: Thank you!